To inspire hope and improve the quality of life of all people with SCD worldwide.
To work in partnership with National and Regional SCD organizations, health care providers and other necessary collaborators to raise public and government awareness and coordinate SCD advocacy and support globally;
To support the development and sustainability of global sickle cell disease comprehensive and prevention programs, especially in countries with low resources;
To spread good practice globally, including the development, dissemination and implementation of clinical care guidelines.
Reduce global incidence of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and ensure equitable access to optimal care and treatment by all people with SCD worldwide. With the belief that the quality of care and treatment for sickle cell disease should not be determined by where you live; the Global Alliance of Sickle Cell Disease Organizations (GASCDO) will work with National Member Organizations (NMOs), Regional Member Organizations (RMOs) and collaborators to ensure GASCDO is abreast of challenges faced in their communities in order to provide them with effective support.
The Global SCD Patient Advocacy Ad board meeting of the Novartis held in London, UK on March 15th, 2019 provided the attending representatives of patient organizations the crucial opportunity to deliberate on global SCD issues including the need for the formation of a global SCD patient organization. It is indeed commendable that within a few months of the conclusion of the Ad board meeting, these global advocates moved forward on October 21st 2019, with the registration of the Global Alliance of Sickle Cell Disease Organizations (GASCDO) in Canada.